Thursday, November 28, 2013

33 weeks of big.

As promised, here is my wonderful, massive self just shy of 33 weeks. It's definitely getting harder to walk now, I fall asleep around 7:30pm or 8pm every night (unless it's Monday and I have to watch Castle), and my "pregnancy brain" is literally driving me up the wall and down again. But, our little guy is almost here and we are sooo super super excited to meet him!
So what's on our agenda in the coming weeks? Cleaning. A hundred million hours of cleaning- which gets old, when you have the harriest sheddiest dog on earth (Riley) and every time you sweep, vacuum or mop, he goes and sheds another coat. Luckily, we finally found the most amazing groomer ever who knows how to properly blow-out our guys' coat, leaving them with beautiful, shiny, less hair. And letting me let them up on the bed a little more often (though they pretty much spend their days there while Mike and I are at work... Sneaky dogs).
We are very much enjoying getting ready for the holidays though :) shopping and decorating is almost complete and baby's almost here! 

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