Wednesday, October 8, 2014

9 months old!

My now 9 month old is wearing 12 month old clothes. His chunky legs and arms in addition to his puffy cloth diapers make it near impossible to know exactly what size to get him. He's getting so big. He pulls himself up now quite easily, and will attempt to take a step- except his "step" looks more like an attitude pose in ballet- and he forgets to put his foot back down.  He so kindly shares his toys and food with the dogs, gives us the pouty lip with a tiny sniffle when we tell him "no," and has a terrible obsession with sticking his tongue out and making a farting noise if we say or do something he doesn't like. I have no idea where he learned that, and while I tell him "no," I have to admit... It's way too stinkin' cute :)