Friday, July 26, 2013

Gender Prediction!

As many of you might have heard, there are quite a few myths (or are they...) out there regarding how to predict prior to the 20 week ultrasound whether you are having a boy or a girl. Below we have listed a few tales, as well as those tests based on medical research (for Mandy's sake, of course) and Mandy will be answering them in accordance to her pregnancy, BEFORE she finds out if it's a boy or girl, at our Gender Reveal in September! Should be a pretty fun and exciting time to hear just how applicable, and accurate, some of these could be!

Old Wive's Tales

Heart rate 140-160 or 120-140?
Cravings are sweet or salty?
Emotions: Moody or Happy?
Had morning sickness: Yes or No?
Is your skin Soft or Dry?
Side you sleep on: Right or Left?
More headaches than usual: No or Yes?
More Clumsy during this pregnancy? No or Yes?
Mom is carrying: High or Low?
Dad's weight during this pregnancy:  No Change/Lost Weight or Gained weight?
Mom's feet during this pregnancy: No change or Feel colder than usual?
It is obvious to tell you are pregnant from the back: Yes or No?
Summation prediction (Age at conception + Number of Month of Conception): Odd or Even?
Mayan Calendar states Mom's Age & Year of Conception: _______?
Chinese Calendar concerning Mom's Age & Month of Conception: ________?
Needle Test: __________?
Wedding Ring Test: _________?

Tests Based on Medical Research
6-8 week Placental Placement:  Left Lateral or Right Lateral?
12 week Nub test: 180° or 30-60°?
12 week Skull Theory:  Flattened or Prominent?