Thursday, September 26, 2013

24 weeks down, 16 to go!

bad picture... but, 24 week bump!
The semester's begun, Mike and I have become ridiculously busy, and of course, I missed the 22 week post and now am 24 weeks. But apparently not much has changed between 22 and 24 weeks, seeing as I lost weight again and have now managed to gain a total of 3 lbs for this entire pregnancy. Yes. I'm 6 months pregnant, and I've gained 3 lbs. No, it does not look like 3 lbs. I look like I've gained WAY more. But I haven't had to suffer any stretch marks yet, and that's definitely a major blessing. This little boy has been very kind to me thus far, I must say, other than the most absurd kicking attacks ever right when I'm going to bed.

Life is starting to settle into a routine for us again, which has helped take some of the stress away. Our friends and family have been completely wonderful, too, to say the least. A couple weeks ago, our amazing friends Rebecca & Paul came over, and Paul was sweet enough to bring me a big bouquet of "mommy-to-be" sunflowers! Seriously, could we ask for sweeter people in our lives? 

This last week, we finally got the chest freezer we've been meaning to get forever. We decided to take some of the stress off of the first few weeks after baby arrives, and make freezer dinner & crockpot meals ahead of time so there's one less thing for us to think about during the first 6 weeks of our little guy's life (seriously, who wants to cook right after baby's born?!). There's so many pinterest recipes out there I don't know how we're going to pick which ones to make! We're also excited to have the best freezer to make our own baby food next year. We'll just have to experiment once he's here and eating baby food and find out what this little guy likes before we make too much :)

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