Right around 7 weeks, Jack's GI symptoms (gas, reflux) started acting up something crazy. Poor baby was constantly squeezing and burping and pooping, and honestly the screaming and tears seemed endless with no light at the end of the tunnel. Mike and I started to question if he had colic it got so bad. For this reason, I'm actually thankful I haven't started working yet so that I was able to be home with him during this hard time. Nothing seemed to help- nursing, swaddling, rocking, singing, gas drops, the windi, bicycle kicks... Nothing. Mike and I were at a loss, stressed, exhausted, and felt like failures at parenting, honestly.
And then Jack turned 2 months old. And on his 2 month birthday, it seemed that suddenly everything was better. Jack was a happy, wonderful baby again. He was suddenly a pro at farting, pooping, didn't have such awful burps/reflux, and started sleeping like a pro. As in- overnight. Hallelujah.
Big milestones...well, he's officially mastered holding up his head. He holds things now, grabs his nook when it falls out. The little things you take for granted suddenly become signs your little squirmy poop machine is actually somewhat human :)