Today we had our parent-child dedication ceremony. It was so wonderful to see everyone again and we feel so incredibly blessed to have had so many people who care so much about Jack there to support us in our decision. It was truly a beautiful day.
The ceremony was at 9:30am, followed by photos and then a grillout at our house. And then some serious weirdness involving Champion Chicken and a game night once Jack was in bed. We had so much fun with everyone, and just can't believe just how gorgeous of a day it was. 75 degrees and sunny? Thanks God!
We've had a few people already ask about the dedication vs baptism as well as who Jack's Godparents are, so we figured we'd explain on here what we decided. We're actually pretty excited about it :)
Regarding Jack's parent-child dedication ceremony- Mike and I decided on this over baptism as it is a decision on our part to raise Jack is a Jesus-loving home. An external proclamation based on an internal decision on our part, if you will. Just to be clear: we see nothing wrong with infant baptism. We were both baptized as babies ourselves, we simply wanted something different for our own little man.
And yes, Mike and I certainly do hope that someday Jack will decide of his own accord to get baptized, but we wanted him to have the opportunity to decide this on his own and experience it when he can remember and truly appreciate the meaning of it, once he has chosen for himself to follow Jesus. For now, we pray that we are able to shine Jesus's light strong enough that Jack seeks to follow Jesus not because we do, but because he wants to.
As for Jack's Godparents- we decided that because a Godparent is, traditionally, intended as a mentor in the faith and additionally someone a child should feel happy and comfortable with, when that day comes that Jack would like to get baptized, we will at that time allow him to decide who his own Godparents are. We hope that the people he picks will have had a significant impact on his own life as a child of God, and we believe that this will allow Jack to form a very special bond with that person, and hopefully will mean a lot more to him than had Mike and I just picked for him. We also thought this would make for a much better match in personality and style of faith. Not to mention- we can only imagine how incredible of a feeling it would be to be picked by a child himself to be his Godparents. Talk about an honor :) So here's to you, future-Godparents-of-Jack! We seriously can't wait to see who he picks.