First trimester: done! And I can't believe how fast that went! Other than a scent aversion to magnolias and some mild dizziness when I got dehydrated, I feel extremely blessed to say: that wasn't bad! We were able to have an amazing time on our trip and, other than not getting to enjoy my favorite glass of wine when we'd go out to dinner, we got to enjoy everything we wanted to without complications :) I did have plenty of virgin piƱa coladas while down there tho. Yum! And somehow I still managed to lose almost 8lbs over vacation. Don't ask, I don't know. Probably because we were biking and hiking and swimming and walking a lot every day. But doctor says I'm fine, so no worries for now.
Mike and I went in for our first trimester screening this past week and got our 12 week ultrasound: and Baby now really looks like a baby! Eee!
We were amazed (Mike's jaw literally dropped) by how much Baby has grown in just a month! He/she was sleeping when we first arrived (jealous... we were there at 6:55am, I should've been sleeping too!), but once the sonographer started pushing on my tummy it woke right up and started kicking it's feet like crazy and decided to do a big stretch (or wave:) for us (and for those wondering- nope, no kicks yet, you can't feel that until about 16-18 weeks). And they said by the looks of it, Baby is two days ahead of the game right now for growing, but that number can move back and forth throughout the pregnancy. But who doesn't want to hear their kids ahead of the game before they're even born? What a champ! So we had a blast watching the baby wake up for a couple minutes then go back to sleep. Now it's starting to sink in :) that, and my shorts are getting very, very uncomfortable.
Other than that, we're welcoming the 2nd trimester and praying it goes as smoothly as the first! We'll be welcoming the 3rd trimester in October :)