Jack's 5 months old today. That's big. He's big. Today I finally had to run out and buy the big medela bottles. I don't even know how I'm gonna pump enough to fill those monstrosities. God help me. I think I have about 100 ounces or something like that in our freezer right now though (saving up for the baby apocalypse, obviously), so hopefully that'll give us some leg room once I head back to work. I'm pretty sure tops I'd only need like, 18ish ounces as a good buffer for going back. But you know... First time mommy here got a little overzealous. Well, that, and since Jack's been sleeping through the night for some time now, I have to pump every night or I'm 103% sure I'd explode by sunrise.
He gave me his first hug this month- and now basically never wants to let go. He is obsessed with us... put him down for a second and BOOM, immediate tears. He's like a live grenade. But in a way, I love that. I love that he wants us constantly, and is now showing finally, very obviously, just how much he wants us- and not just needs us.
And little by little, Jack is getting stronger and more alert every day. His laughs are to die for, his little stories he tells us are so expressive I wish he could talk already. He loves to play on the piano, playing airplane with Daddy, splashing like crazy in the bathtub, and rainy day snuggles with Mama. He has made our lives so much happier and more fulfilled just by being here. Last week he decided it was time to start dumping his food, so that's exactly what he did: pulled his bowl of applesauce over his face and head and started laughing. And I laughed right along with him as the dogs cleaned up the mess on the floor. I wouldn't trade this chaos for anything.
What's new otherwise? Well, I finally found fabric to make Jack's car seat canopy. I'd been looking since before he was born for a UW badger fabric I actually liked and found nothing. JoAnn, Hancock, Walmart, and even online, they all had the same old white and red checkered fabric that I just didn't like. I was stuck on this red and black idea. I mean come on, his car seat is black and red. It was meant to be, right?
So I finally found the fabric just this past week at Hobby Lobby: my favorite craft store EVER. Mike hates it when I go there... That store is a death trap for a man's wallet. But at least I found what I needed, and was able to make my car seat canopy. And I have to say, I'm super happy with it. Most are made with minky as far as I've seen, which I just didn't want as it's not as breathable as cotton, and we particularly wanted it for summer nights out. So, voila! Jack's car seat canopy is complete!