So I skipped 30 weeks and jumped straight to 32. Which according to our doctor, might now actually be more like 34 weeks. This past weekend, I began feeling A LOT of pressure from baby, and began having shooting pains in some pretty unfortunate areas... not sciatica. Being the type that isn't keen on freaking out about every little thing, and seeing as I was able to pick up baby's heart rate just fine and he was still practicing his daily routine of somersaults and cartwheels, I decided to wait to speak with her until my appointment yesterday. Good news: his somersaults paid off and he is officially head-down! Bad news: turns out Mommy's instinct is, in fact, correct. Baby Fank apparently decided to head south this past week and is now settled comfortably into a 0 station, and conveniently onto a nerve (or a few). This is the "drop" so many mom's refer to, medically termed "lightening." Lightening for many moms occurs around or after the 36th week of pregnancy.
Fetal station refers to the location of the baby's head in relation to the mother's pelvis. Typically, at 32 weeks, a health professional will refer to a cervix and baby's position as CTH (closed, thick and high- the "high" referring to -4 or above). But, Baby Fank being the instigator that he is, decided to skip this part and start his journey early. Good news: it typically makes laboring a little shorter and easier. Bad news: it makes for a pretty uncomfortable end to the pregnancy when a baby drops this early, and it can mean baby's coming a lot sooner. Hence, my doctor decided now's a good time to chill out and get a belly-support band to keep this kiddo in line. Literally.
So, last night Mike and I headed on down to our local Destination Maternity/Pea in the Pod/Motherhood Maternity store (seriously, there's 3 in one? Which one is it!?) to get a belly band. All the girls there (and there were A LOT of them as there was prenatal yoga going on) raved about The Ultimate Maternity Belt. The owners of the store were very adamant about me trying it one before I did get it, so together, they and Mike strapped me on in and told me to take it for a "15 minute test drive around the store", no joke. And let me tell you- the thing WORKS. And what's even more awesome? There was a BOGO sale going on so they gave me a postpartum tummy tucker along with it to keep my stuff in line post-baby. No complaints here! Here's hoping this seat belt-like contraption helps keep this little man stationary for at least 5 more weeks when I'm term (Christmas Day, to be exact). "Do not open until Christmas" has never been more appropriate.
So what's on the agenda for this coming week? Packing our diaper & hospital bags, finishing the nursery, and cleaning. And washing lots, and lots, of baby clothes. Once our diaper & hospital bags are packed, I'll be writing a post on the needs and do-not needs of packing for the hospital. Working in labor & delivery has definitely taught me to pack light and pack smart. So look forward to an extra post sometime this week :) Oh, and once I'm not in my pajamas anymore, a 32-week bump picture, too!
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